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49 CFR ยง 29.2 – What is the Department’s policy for the Program?

The Louisiana Band of Choctaw Indians was Recognized by the State of Louisiana by concurrent resolution in 1978 and again in 2018 by HB 660.

Sovereignty is confirmed by Article VI of the Louisiana Purchase when the United States Government agreed to honor any treaties the Indians of Louisiana had with Spain (UNTIL) New Articles or Agreements could be entered into between the Indians of Louisiana and the United States Government. Only 2 Sovereign Nations can enter into Written Agreements. Since we have NOT entered into any written agreements with ANYONE since 1803 we retain ALL the Rights that we had at the time of the sining of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.

In H.R. 512 in 2005 The Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs Testified in front of Congress. When The Speaker asked Mr. Olson under Oath what the definition of Federal Recognition was his response was Federal Recognition means that A Sovereign Continues to Exist.

The acts of the State and the Federal Government to deprive us are acts of Genocide towards our Tribal Members weather they are Commercial Fisherman themselves or the members that rely on the commercial fisherman to feed their families or the sale of the fish they catch to pay bills & earn a living, either way, to deprive us of sustenance & the Unmolested Treaty Rights granted to us by The King of Spain is unthinkable. The fact that NOAA had the audacity to say we could buy our Pelagic Licenses or Commercial Reef Permits, or IFQ (Individual Fish Quota) is just another way to make us suffer.

We are fulfilling prophecy.

11:00 central time Tues. 11/26/2024

Canadian Prime Minister – First Nations Chiefs Assembly

Stop the Desecration of The Choctaw-Apache Tribe of Ebarb Cemetery

Terminate CO2 Project in Louisiana

2024 November 12
An interview with Tribal Chiefs and IICFS Officer regarding carbon capture in Louisiana.

IICFS Honored Chief R. Sheppard of St. George’s Indian Band for her Strength & Leadership as she stands by her Tribal Member to ensure Justice and Rights are not just heard but upheld. Showing that we truly can do more when work together…..together FOR ALL Nations.( Paste zoom link and password to listen to the “Feather Ceremony.”)

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